Friday, July 16, 2010

Killer Zombie Economics

This may seem like a scene from a bad horror movie but it's much scarier than that. A cry went up from the Senate floor that extending unemployment benefits would cripple our country via the National Debt. All the Republicans cheered. That same day Senate Republican leader M. McConnell claimed that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy didn't increase the deficit. Huh? That's right, Voodoo Economics are back from the dead. Like a crazed zombie that keeps getting up after being killed over and over with facts, these people just keep regurgitating the same Bull Sh*t and telling us it's chicken soup. HELLO AMERICA! If we want a balanced budget we have to face the facts, Democrats do a better job of running the government. Now there are plenty of gripes I have with the Dems but the GOP, known as the Party for the rich and of the rich want to continue slashing tax rates for millionaires while starving working class folks whose jobs got moved to China so the CEOs could take home an extra couple of million. This graph shows that since Ronald Reagan the GOP has driven this country into a ditch and they want the keys to the car again.

The reality nobody wants to talk about is that our country does better when the rich pay more in taxes. When Eisenhower was in office the upper tax rate was above 75% and we had the greatest prosperity in our history. I know this goes against what we've been told by the pundits but the numbers don't lie. When Clinton raised taxes on the upper income bracket, we went from deficit to surplus and the economy boomed. Now don't get me wrong, Clinton got some things right but many thing wrong like NAFTA, but his tax policy was right on. When business have to pay more tax on profits, they reinvest in the company and hire more people, buy more machines and generally help the country.
There are many, many reasons that tax cuts are wrong for our country right now. They do nothing to stimulate the economy and the rich don't spend that extra money they put in off-shore banks to hide it. It's time for the people to wake up and let's kill zombie economics once and for all.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The real cost of war.

I have stood by and watched countless talking heads bicker about why we must "fight them over there so we don't fight them here". Well my only response is that they must think we are idiots, do they think we can't count the bodies of our people who have died for the profits of companies like Black-Water and Haliburton? To say our soldiers died for a lie is only half the story. Each day in Iraq and Afghanistan our young men and women are turned into murderers. The psychological damage that is inflicted on them when they are made to shoot down civilians or bomb whole villages out of existence leaves scars that may never heal. They call it PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I call it the only logical outcome for participating in this travesty. Our blood and treasure is going to line the coffins our "Defense forces" and line the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. Please watch this brave soldier speak truth to power and reclaim his humanity. God bless us all.