Monday, December 27, 2010

Justice for working people

Are corporate CEOs the new Nazi party? They are no longer concerned with the well-being of our country or the lives of their employees or the environment. Their only real concern is lining the pockets of their executives. A friend of mine shared her experience about how American Airlines demanded pay cuts from its employees only to have the executives take massive bonuses with the money that the workers gave up. Some people complain and rage against unions but they are the last vestige of democracy in the work place. The 1880's were the time of the "Robber Barons", wealthy business people becoming rich off the slave labor of American workers and child labor. We the People said no more and demanded our representatives make laws forbidding these practices. It seams memories are short and politicians don't want to talk about the past because it  might hurt their election chances. Well, it's happening again. Corporate CEOs are manipulating the system to squeeze the middle class for everything they can and to hell with the country or it's citizens. I say it's time that "We the People" stand up and say NO MORE! No more Wall Street bonuses, no more Foreclosure rip offs, no more raping the environment to line the pockets of CEOs. It's time for laws and/or tax policies that provides for only fair profit and fair compensation for bankers and CEOs who owe their jobs to government bail-outs (money from "We the People"). Unions aren't perfect but they are a hell of a lot more just and democratic than corporations. Power to the people.

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